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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Tangy tamarind pepper chicken

1. Boneless Chicken - 200 gms 
2. Onion - 1 (finely sliced)
3. Tamarind Paste  - 2 tablespoons 
4. Ginger Garlic Paste -1 teaspoon 
5. Red Chilly Powder - 1 teaspoon 
6. Pepper - 1 1/2 teaspoons 
7. Garam Masala - 1 teaspoon 
8. Salt To taste (do not add salt if using packaged tamarind paste)
9. Coriander leaves for garnish (optional)
10. Oil as required 

1. Cut the chicken. Marinate by rubbing 1 tablespoon of tamarind paste, a little pepper and salt. Keep aside for 15 minutes. 
2. In a non-stick kadhai, heat about 1.5 tablespoon oil and fry the onions. When they brown, add the ginger garlic paste and cook till the raw smell goes away. 
3. Now add the marinated chicken and all the remaining ingredients. Mix well.
4. Pour some water. Cook on high, covered for about ten minutes. 

When you open the lid, check how cooked the chicken is. Add more water if chicken is still undercooked. 

Adjust gravy's thickness as per own preference.

Once the chicken is cooked, add the coriander leaves for garnish. Serve hot with some roti, chapatti or rice.

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